Join us in conversation with local residents, youth, and Broadway Businesses about the revitalization project.
Envision Broadway invites you to join our conversation on Community Revitalization Initiatives.
The discussion will also include new ways to increase business by focusing on Murals and Beautification.
Sponsored by Envision Broadway and the Institute for Public Strategies. For more info contact Sarah Boyer.
Sarah Boyer:
The Gateway to Chula Vista Bayfront
Did you know that the Broadway corridor generates more sales tax revenue for the city than any other area does in Chula Vista? Yet, it is one of the most forgotten commercial zones.
Envision Broadway Efforts
Facilitated by IPS South Bay:
IPS South Bay is a recognized partner of Live Well San Diego and its vision is to create healthy and safe communities where residents can thrive. To achieve this goal, we address the community conditions that may contribute to substance use disorders in Chula Vista. As part of the Envision Broadway project, we empower community members to prioritize their needs and plan improvements that are necessary for the revitalization of this aging corridor. By increasing the economic vitality of this critical thoroughfare, we align with the Live Well vision of cultivating and maintaining a multi-cultural business district that promotes healthy choices and the highest quality of life.
What's New
Envision Broadway
The Chula Vista Revitalization Committee hopes to increase business along the Broadway Corridor by focusing on revitalization. We want to paint more murals and eliminate trash and graffiti. Community Outreach Chair Carlos Rodriguez recently recorded a video at El Patio restaurant to promote their beautiful mural and to let Chula Vista residents know how they can report graffiti and other concerns using the ACT Chula Vista app. We invite you to get involved by joining the committee.
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